Monday, May 25, 2009

"Capitalist Nigger" ... what a brilliant read!!

Sitting today at the hairdresser I was introduced to an interesting book called "Capitalist Nigger" written by Chika Onyeani. I got to read up to page 9 and was totally ataken back by the outright honesty of this man. I remind myself of something Dr. Phil McGraw (McCraw?) said once: 'You cannot change something if you do not acknowledge it.' With unpretencious, outright and brutal honesty Onyeani takes the bull by the horns. He states (my own words), that the African (meant here as black african people) has always eaten what the rest of the world produced and has never produces anything that the world consumes. Neither what can be eaten or otherwise. He also mentions various other approaches like for example industry, mining and invention. Even the computers that Black people use to correspond in this modern age or even pencils they write with was not invented by the African. Blacks have a mentality of hand-me-downs and always blaming racism for everything that goes wrong.
Ironically enough in his speach today at the Rhodes University, ex-president Mbeki touch on the very subject. He said that Africa must face its own problems and sort through it. Further he mentioned that Africa has good directions of principle, but short qualified people to do the work.
If I dare to marry the views of Onyeani and Mbeki, we might be heading in the right direction but I fear that the selfish notions of a selected few will hinder change.

I find it more and more prevelent that some people in our government would rather their people die than ever acknowledge that they might be wrong. Afterall, it takes a great man to accept advice, but it takes a giant to impliment it. We need some giants in Africa; we need statesmen and woman that can stand on their convictions, be truthful and make a real difference in the lives of all the people of this continent. Let's stop looking towards the ocean for yet another helping hand, but rather turn our heads looking back over shoulder towards the fertile land that was entrusted upon us.

The land is waiting to germinate within her hungry insides the seeds of our labour. The same sun that brings life and prosperity to all ends of this earth beats down upon our attemps to grow, sew and feed.
Africa CAN!

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